left over candles

After moving into our home, I am finally able to see all the crap I have acquired over the years and I came across about a dozen old candles that previous wives did not want to discard. Now couple that with the idea that since I am retired, I can now do many things I have wanted to do for years – like make fire starters.

Basically, take the candles and melt them down and mix sawdust into the hot wax. As is usually the case, I forgot to take pictures throughout the whole process, but there is still enough info to explain.

Below is what the candles were in, which I gleefully tossed in the trash afterwards.

Then I used a cheap frying pan I bought from the Dollar Store to melt the wax using the side burner on my BBQ grill, then added sawdust from my shop as shown below.

After a thorough stirring, I poured it into a small cake pan, and after it cooled I cut it into bite sized pieces. This piece will be cut further.

I broke a hunk off to start a fire in my chimenea, and after wrapping it in paper to help it ignite, it took off like a prairie fire in the Texas Panhandle. Since wax burns hotter than paper, it helped the wood to burn.

Enjoying life, one ugly candle at a time.



The other day, Kris had problems with his oxygen level and was taken to the hospital where he could get better care. Makes sense.

Today, when I dropped by to pick up Dani, I visited with Uma like I always do. When Dani came into the kitchen, she asked how Kris was. Evidently, Uma had just returned from seeing him in the hospital.

She said, “I had to teach the nurses how to tell him, `No.”

To make sure I understood what she said, I asked, “You had to teach them to say, No?”

At this time, she was busy peeling and eating something from the garden. But when I asked her that, she stopped what she was doing and turned straight toward me and said, “Dwaine, you are intelligent. Tell me . . . ”

She paused and I thought, `Uh-oh’.

“. . . how do I to tell him `No’?”

The intelligence within me rose up like Einstein discussing E=MC2. I explained, “Uma, the word `No’ is the most powerful word in language. The next time, just say, `No’, then walk away. If you say anything else, it gives him fuel for further discussion. Calmly say, `No’ and be firm.”

That worked with my sons, but not my daughter, but I didn’t tell her that.

She listened and agreed with me. I still wasn’t sure what she is saying `No’ about and I didn’t ask because I know how ornery Kris can be, but I am guessing it is about his vodka. But after telling her that, I suddenly realized Dani heard me, so now I will not be able to argue with her in the future.

I love this interesting little couple.

Just Some Aircraft Videos

In this day of social media, you can find pretty much anything you want, yet what grabs my attention are the aircraft videos. I remember hanging around the flightline in Kandahar watching the aircraft come and go, from ‘fixed wing’ (regular planes), to ‘rotary wing’ (helicopters).

The British Harriers were an awesome thing to see. They always traveled in pairs, and a pair was always in the air around the base. Before one set landed, their replacements would take off.

And when they did, the air shook with the incredible blast causing birds to take flight. The planes were so powerful and agile, they only required a fraction of the airstrip to be airborne, and they flew just a few meters above the flightline until they reached the end. The first one would turn hard left at the end and scoot across the desert kicking up a cloud of dust behind it. The second would take off 10-15 seconds later, and when it got to the end it would angle up towards the sun and disappear. I had no way of seeing where it went.

Those amazing planes are the ones that could take off vertically. They were told they could do the vertical take off, only on the newer part of the runway that had 10″ of concrete, not the old original part with only had 5 or 6″. I remember there was a new pilot that didn’t get the memo, and the flightline commander came out pissing mad. He was pointing at the runway screeching, and probably saying words I promised Fr. Hynes I wouldn’t say.

These videos do not show the Harriers, as what we have now is much more powerful, intelligent and lethal. Because of the amazing ability of the newer aircraft, its pilots seem to be one with the plane, plus the videos show the discipline our Military maintains, enabling it to be the greatest firepower in the world. When I watch these, I know my dad would have loved to witness these, as he was at the Army Airbase in my small Texas hometown. I especially love the videos where the planes pull hard vertically, causing the air around them to be so compressed, the moisture becomes visible. In the first video, I am most certain the first jet is just a remote-control model as there is no blast under it, but the rest are the real critters.

We truly live in an amazing age, and in the years after I move on, my great- grandchildren will be a part of something I can never imagine, not even in my wildest dreams.

I Thank the Good Lord for Cauliflower

My Doctor told me I had to cut back on carbs. That itself is a depressing thing to be told, but the woman is a bit bigger than me so I thought perhaps I should look into it. One of my good sons has converted to a carb-less diet, which caused him to loose an ungodly amount of weight. Well, not really godless, but a lot non-the-less. So, it made sense to me to see if I can reduce my carb intake also.

As I start to look for ways to cut back, I find the Keto diet I heard about over the years may just be what I need to follow. At our favorite supermarket (H.E.B.), I see a delightful array of low carb breads. I found bagels with 1 to 7 carbs per serving, which is a wonderful thing for this old man to find.

Now, I love pizza. Simple but powerful statement. Once when I was at my son’s house for a birthday celebration, they served pizza. So I asked my beautiful daughter-in-law about my son not eating pizza, and she explained the pizza was cauliflower instead of dough; and I must add was delicious.

So, at our favorite supermarket, I find many different cauliflower pizzas in the freezer section. Grabbing several of them, I take them home and proceed to cook one of them.

I added a good amount of peperoni slices to it, and sprinkled a heavy amount of cheeses. Both cheddar and mozzarella cheese.

Then dropped it on the pizza stone which was a toasty 425 degrees.

After I slipped the pizza onto the stone, I realized I forgot to add the finely chopped spicy peppers on the pizza, so I quickly opened the oven and added them. After a short 10 minutes, I slipped the pizza out onto a plate and we sat down to gobble it all down. In the process of adding the spicy peppers, they tended to stay in a clump which happened to be one of the slices my lovely wife picked to consume. She was so happy, I saw tears in her eyes.

The pizzas are relatively small, but perfect for just two people who are trying to cut back on carbs. A truly delicious experience for both of us.



A Discussion Between Doctors

The retired Indian doctors that Dani works for have generated many good discussions. I wish I could remember all of them.

Kris is pretty much bedridden and one of Dani’s tasks is to clean up after him. Often times when he is in pain, Dani will go in and put his oxygen back on him that he removes and forgets to put back. That is all he needs to fix his pain. Several times a day, he will have troubles with his bowels and Dani helps clean up and changes his sheets. The woman is an angel, as I know I could never do what she does, nor what my sisters did to take care of my mother in her later years.

The other day after a particular rough stretch of cleaning, Kris felt bad for Dani as he usually does, and said, “Dani, I am so sorry you have to do this. I have an appointment with a doctor in Houston to see what can be done.”

Dani firmly stated, “Kreees, I’m no doctor, buuuut . . . in my oh-pinion, you’re not getting enough oxygen. Your body needs oxygen to work co-hectly.”

After a pause, Kris said,”  . . . “Well . . . I AM a doctor . . . and I think you’re right! I don’t need another doctor when I have you.”

Then Dani casually added, “I am looking for another profession so I can buy my own car.”

All he heard was, ” . . . buy my own car.” to which he quickly asked, “Do you want me to buy you a car!?”

“No, Kreees. I don’t want my husband to buy one for me either. I want to buy my own. Buuuut . . . if you win the lottery, you can buy me one.”

Kris smiled and agreed.

The Fountain Revisited

The other day when I went and picked up Dani, I saw the pool company in town completed repairs on Uma’s fountain. So I just wanted to post a few pics of it. Some evening I need to go out there and see it with the lights on it.