I’m not an athletic person, so when the Embassy decided to host its first Olympic games, I pretty much crawled into a corner and kept very quiet. Terese on the other hand, said, “Sure, why the hell not?”
Well, I can tell you, “Why the hell not.” The old woman spent many years of her life twirling around like an spinnin’ phonograph record during her days of ballet and has the worn out joints to prove it. Myself? I see the day a success if I can get out of bed to walk to the bathroom without falling over. It’s the creaks in my joints that wakes the damn cat up.
But before I knew what happened, I was signed up for several events that do not require athleticism. Such as the blindfolded obstacle course, the egg carrying relay, volleyball and the final tug-o-war.
Terese on the other hand, performed the blindfolded cupcake coloring contest, the egg relay and believe it or not, actually tried her best at the slip & slid competition. It’s was exactly as you would imagine. Run as fast as you can, land on your belly and slide as far as possible. Which she did. As far a possible. About that far. … and no more. But the ol’ gal gave it her best and never looked back.
Now, the whole fiasco was divided into Teams from the offices in the Embassy. Terese was on the Consular Team, and I was on the RSO Team, which is the people in my office, the people in the Security Office and the Marines.
There were many of the healthier people who took part in the 4×400 meter relay, broad jumping, sack race, three legged race, the mile run, soccer kick, dodge ball, and others I try not to remember. There was one little athletic girl whose body reminded me of a jaguar. Ever step on a packet of ketchup on the sidewalk? She was as fast as that squirt. We had several young marines on our team that makes the Hulk look like a wimp. You would think that we would win every competition with them, but they are not that good at blind-folded cake decorating, blind-folded obstacle course and running with eggs on spoons.
About the best way to describe this mess, is with the few pictures I took. First have a look at Terese’s blindfold decorating entries. The woman is a born artist.
And the Master Cake Decorator herself.
One of the best aspects of the gathering, was the food available. I chowed down and would have continued, but I had the volleyball contest right after eating.
… and assorted spurious pictures taken of the unsuspecting.
And I am slipping in a picture of my boss and co-worker who took part of the arduous games. My boss is the thinner of the two.
Below is the team Terese was on. Yep, that’s her hold the banner.
And here is the Team I was on. I’m not holding the banner.
– well, actually, I have not been able to track the picture down. When I find who has it, I will post it. Just pretend it is a bunch of hefty guys with one little thin girl, celebrating winning First Place. –
And here is a pic taken by a friend who allowed me to post her picture of the final competition, the tug-o-war. I’m on the team on the left. The winning team. – There was some horse power there.
Which team won? Well, it was not a pretty win, but the team I was on took first place, with very little help from me. The score was tied between our team and the team Terese was on, but her team had a point deducted because of an illegal substitution. So, RSO Team won.
It was probably the most exercise we had in years. We both ended up with aches and pains. My face and blonde spot were sunburned in addition to irregular bowel movements throughout the night. Did we have fun? Ah, yeah, I guess. Next year, I will be better prepared to find somewhere else I need to be, like a horse auction or a basket weaving class.
Kick butt in the Olympian way. Dwaine
Elleta Nolte said:
I’m glad my son, though he is far away from Texas way out yonder doing what I’ll never fully understand but getting paid for it, is having fun with a fun bunch.