Been awhile since we last chatted, as several trips transpired and had a bit of consternation to deal with.

My boss is leaving Post in about a week, so there have been several parties for him.  He is a very sociable person, so in the time he has been here he has made many friends, and some of the best ones are Turks.  Several weeks ago, Terese and I had a chicken-wing party at our house for him and his Turkish friends.  Last night, they threw him a party at a downtown pub and invited me.

All of them, with the exception of a very few are much younger than me so I felt a bit out of place.  In many of the pictures they took where they had me join in, I reluctantly stood in back which ended up making me look like some sort of stalker, since when I smile it usually stays inside.  Some of the pics, I looked like I photo-bombed them.

I enjoy watching these good people with their antics, laughter and tears. One young girl told me that she just graduated from University and was no longer a student.  I hit it off well with her, talking about the books we read and the music we listen to.  She’s only 23 and worried about getting a good job, as if that will be the only job she will ever have.  She said she may reluctantly take a job as a teacher if she cannot find anything else.

We all have heard how being a teacher is a noble profession as if it’s similar to being a librarian, but we all know there is so much more to it.  I pointed out, in the future when she decides on something in the corporate or diplomatic world, to have a resume stating that she taught school looks very good, because it means she has managerial skills, can relate to people and are responsible; plus more that I can’t think of.  I have a feeling the little one will be a teacher.

And as with all who tell me they graduated from University, I always feel compelled to tell them about my elegant mother who graduated at the ripe age of 89.   … and she’s a writer.

That gets them exited.  Then I drop the bomb that my daughter also graduated with her and the two walked arm and arm down the aisle together.  I still think of the ceremony often.  When my mother reached the stage to be handed her diploma, the whole monotonous procedure stopped as they announced this dear lady receiving her diploma.  And the crowd erupted in applause.  Well, actually, it mostly came from our section of the bleachers.

But, back to the party.  My boss’ friends are mostly from a group that meets for a game of darts occasionally.  I tried darts a few times and perforated the wall surrounding the dart board more than not.  Best not let me throw the hand grenades in a battle.

In this group, I find one young girl is an Electrical Engineer who is the first individual I have met who knows what a coulomb is and can carry a conversation with me about electron shift.  One girl works for Google in the comfort of her home in her pajamas.  Never did understand what she does.  Kinda like asking my younger brother what he does for a living.

As I sit here typing this, I cannot remember what the men did.  I think one works at a university, one at a manufacturing plant, I think, and … well, I really don’t know.  I guess I need to visit more with the men next time.

Maybe it’s time for another topic.

About a month ago I was sitting out on the green area between the apartment buildings with cigar and drink, reading and contemplating all things worth thinking about.  Two little Turkish girls walked by and stopped to look at this strange man.  I would guess one is about 10 and the other perhaps 12.  They were sharing a banana.

They asked me if I was İngilizce (English), and I said, Yes.  Then the younger one pointed to my drink and asked, What is that?  I said, Coca Cola.  She turned her head slightly looking at me as if she didn’t believe me, so I pulled out my can of coke and showed her.  The older said, Coca Cola, as if to assure her.

We tend to think the young people can be fooled.  I feel she may have seen past my ruse.

Next time I will tell you more about Istanbul.  Keep kicking butt.