Remember me mentioning buying sausage for about a buck a piece on the way home? Well, I do that at least once a week now. The old boy at the grill, Antonio also works at my Portuguese class bar, so he is a familiar face. Here is Antonio busy at work.You know, I may do something like that when I retire….
This is a holiday in Brazil, so I decided to spend some time cooking another pot of Jambalaya. Came out well with red wine and an after lunch cigar, but next time I will leave out the shrimp.Last month, I went with my buddy Ricardo to a British pub for lunch and ordered a BLT. That itself is an amazing sandwich because it has bacon on it. But here in Brazil, they add an egg on it also.
Ya know, Life is good at times, and at other times, it is very good!
Marsha Luke said:
Yummm!!! Looks delicious! You can fix those for us along with the hot wings when you come home next time.