more Uma

Whenever I come into the house to get Dani, Uma always smiles. Maybe it’s knowing Dani will be leaving, but over the time I have known these amazing people, I have had the most interesting conversations with her. I will say something to her to be friendly and the next thing I know, she is off on a conversation telling me about something. Like the first time I met her, she started telling me how she fell out of the attic.

So, the other day, as Dani was getting ready to leave, she started telling me how she will be going on a trip at the end of the month to Orlando, Florida for a class reunion for some medical university. I honestly think everyone in her family, expect maybe her daughter, is in the medical profession. Somewhere in the conversation, and I really cannot remember how this came up, she said sleeping on the floor is better than sleeping on a bed.

She didn’t give me time to look baffled, and said all floors are the same, whereas every bed is different. I honestly cannot think of a way to refute that, so I just said, “Well, I guess that’s true.”

During this conversation, she kept fidgeting with a belt. It was black and shiny and was about 3″ wide. I was going to ask her what she was doing with that belt, but she beat me to it. She said she went to such and such store and this belt was priced at $60, but the price was cut to $20, then it was also half off. So, she got a $60 belt for 10. She seemed quite pleased as she continued trying to figure out a way to wear it.

Some time back, she mentioned something about smiling. I really do not remember, and probably didn’t understand it at the time, but I told her I never smile because I am German. This caused her conversation to tangent off about how handsome the Germen men are. How she went to Hamburg and was just mesmerized how handsome they are.

I never know what to expect when I am there, but I know I can trigger some interesting, and sometimes thought provoking conversation when I talk to her. If she is sitting in front of the TV in the wheelchair she doesn’t have to use anymore, but does so because it is comfortable, I know whatever I say will take off sideways.

And one of the many things I learned from Life, is sideways conversations are the best. I first learned that in the amazing continent of Africa.

The Fountain and the Comedian

Their house has a huge backyard with an old, but beautiful fountain. In days past, Uma told me they had many parties in back and she wants to do that again. So, I got out there and got the lighting repaired and got the fountain running again. The tile work in the fountain needs to be repaired and I understand a company has ordered the tiles necessary.

She told me, that once it’s all fixed, she wants to have parties out there again and invite me to make everyone laugh. That itself is a funny thought. I wonder if I will get to eat any of the food.

Pop’s Generator

Most of you may find this post a little boring, so just pretend you find it interesting and read on.

I‘ve always love working with electrical and mechanical gadgets, so when I acquired my Dad’s old generator, I was delighted to get it hooked up. I changed out the oil, gassed it up and replaced the fuel filter. Living in this part of the country, there is always a possibility to lose power for possibly a week or more. With the hurricane Beryl heading to the Gulf Coast, I quickly completed the setup, but Beryl meandered off towards Houston.

But it is completed and ready for any situation, other than nuclear war.

A couple of years ago, I upgraded the electrical service on the house and replaced the electrical panel in the garage that feeds all the single circuits in the house. I installed a separate breaker in the panel to use as the generator feed, and added a receptacle in the garage for the generator to connect to.

And since I like cool gadgets found on eBay that are cheap, I added a panel with instruments in it so I can monitor the generator output while in use.

Next step was to add markers in the panel to show which breakers to turn off during the generator use. The pretty pink (or whatever color they are) are the breakers to be on during use.

If you look at the image above, there is a metal thing that must be in the up position for the generator to feed the panel. It also forces the main breaker into the `off’ position so the generator will not back-feed in to the incoming service.

The breakers with the pretty dots feed my kitchen refrigerator, microwave, the garage circuit and a small lighting circuit. Once the system is in use, I will run the generator intermittently for about an hour or so. It will actually depend on the refrigerator. I have WIFI thermometers in both sides of the unit and when the freezer section gets too warm, I will crank the generator up until it reaches a satisfactory temperature.

Once the generator is running, I will open the garage door, back out the vehicle and open an additional window with a fan in it, to remove the exhaust.

Now, all that is left is sit with whiskey and wait for power to drop out, and hope it’s not nuclear war.

Uma and Kris’s Vodka

Kris likes his vodka. Tito’s vodka.

When Dani is in his room cleaning, he will usually have her fill his vodka glass for him. Everyday before leaving, she will go into Kris’s room to tell him goodbye and see if he needs anything. The good man loves her and will always smile when he sees her. He is always asking Uma, “When is Dani coming?”

So, once when I was in the kitchen talking to Uma waiting for Dani to get her things, she went into Kris’s room and in her cute Dani voice said, “Kreees, do you need anything?” Usually, if he doesn’t, she will say, “Okaay. Bye-bye Kreees.”

This time, she brought his vodka glass into the kitchen and handed it to Uma and said, “Kreees wants more vodka and he told me not to tell you.”

Uma firmly put the glass down with a frown and took a deep breath. I don’t know what happened after we left, but I imagine she took him a little more vodka.

Uma and Kris’s Lottery Tickets

Dani works for Uma and Kris three days a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Those are also the days the next lottery comes out. So when Dani is in Kris’s room cleaning, if he remembers, he tells Dani to tell me to pick up three Powerball tickets and three Multimillion tickets. So, on my way to get Dani, I will stop by a convenience store and pick them up. From what I understand, you can ask for extras, which I believe it is something about winning more. Once a clerk asked me if I wanted extras, I told her No, because it didn’t make sense getting extras since the tickets won’t win. That put a funny look on her face.

So, one time when I gave him his tickets as he laid in bed, I told him, “Kris, if you win, Dani gets 1% of the winnings.” He gave me a big smile. So, back in the kitchen with Uma, we spoke briefly where all that lottery money goes, and I told her at one time it was suppose to go to the schools. She said Kris has been playing the lottery for 20 years, and she said something about him needing to change the way he prays to one of their gods to win. (something like that).

Then I told her, “When I gave him his tickets, I told him that if he wins, he needs to give 1% to Dani.”

Uma lit up!

“NO! I told him to confess (promise) to me that he will give Dani half. I told him to confess to me now, but he wouldn’t!”

That would explain why Kris gave me such a big smile.

~ you know, she is one of those people I truly wish I could record what she says. I feel so comfortable with her and can say anything to her. Once she was mad about her son who lives in Houston and after one long rant, I said, “Whew! Uma, you are one tough woman.” She didn’t respond. I love to push her buttons and joke with her to make her laugh. She has a beautiful smile and I wish I could get a picture of her. I once told her how beautiful her granddaughters were, and she was stunned, then smiled and thanked me deeply. I wondered if anyone ever told her that before.

The Hindus

During my last months in Afghanistan, the University of Maryland satellite school in Salerno offered a course on World Religions. I took this class to help me understand the Islamic influence in the world. It was a class that covered all the major religions. It was interesting and I made an A in the class and got 3 college credits. Ironically, it is the only college credits I have to my name.

It was a lot to digest as it covered the three Abrahamic religions, plus Hinduism and Buddhism and all their associated gods. So, we go through life hearing of the different gods that people across the world follow and worship, and never really give it much thought. But since visiting with Uma and Kris who are Hindu, it became interesting.

One day when I came to pick Dani up, she was sitting with Uma who was telling her about their gods, and the stories behind some of them. “We have a god for this and we have a god for that, etc.” I remembered hearing about the stories of the different gods at the class in Salerno, and now listening to someone who believes this way so casually was an eye opener.

They have many small Hindu statues throughout their house and even a small room similar to a walk-in closet for their shrine, but they also have several crucifixes displayed; there is even a picture of Mother Teresa on the wall. It was as if they honor all religions. India used to have a caste system that has since been abolished, but some people still cling to it. The other day Uma was telling me about the relative of someone or another, (it is difficult to follow what she is saying sometimes because of her beautiful accent), but it was a story about a certain member of that family who shunned someone because of the caste they were born in.

So, when I tell others about Uma and Kris being Hindu, I am intrigued with how they react. One good friend who I thought would say something pertaining to it not being Christian, listened intently and remarked how he met many Hindus while working in a prison ministry, and was impressed with them.

I will tell the story to others sometime and will see how they react. The more God shows me other people and their beliefs, the more I realize there is to discover and accept. When it’s all said and done and we are all standing in line to explain ourselves, we need to concentrate on what we will say about ourselves, because at that point, no one else matters, and I know it will be very difficult for me.